ACVV Sandkasteel Crèche will play a vital role in your child's development. Your child will receive quality care by ECD qualified personnel and each of them have a police clearance certificate. ACVV Sandkasteel has spacious classrooms with a big outside play area full of the necessary holistic development equipment. The classrooms as well as the outside play area are monitored by CCTV cameras.
Educational shows form part of our Registered Early Childhood Development-programmes. We follow a registered ECD curriculum and ACVV Sandkasteel is registered at the Department of Social Development. Early childhood development(ECD) means the process of emotional, cognitive, sensory, spiritual, moral, physical, social and communication development of children from birth to school-going age.
Opening Hours
We provide care for babies from 3 months till 5 years (Grade RR) as well as full day care for pre-school children during school holidays. ACVV Sandkasteel is open from 07h00 till 17h00. ACVV Sankasteel Crèche is only closed on public holidays and on weekends but we are open through the year as well as during school holidays included December school holiday.
Children on the full-day package receive Breakfast, Lunch and at 3h00 a sandwich. Children on the half-day package receive Breakfast and Lunch. Juice is served with Lunch and the 3 o’clock snack. Dessert and fresh fruit is served once a week. Distilled water is available whenever the children are thirsty. Fridays we oscillate between supplying treats to all the children (in addition to meals), and "make and bake", where children are interactive in the process. We provide fresh purity as well as snacks for the babies (3 – 18 months).
A weekly newsletter with photos provides the parents with insights at what happens at school during the week as well as other information that the parents need to know. Twice a year all the children (3-years to Gr RR) receive a progress report.
School Fees
Our school fees includes 3 X balanced meals per day, stationary, Tuck shop, make and bake, wet wipes and tissues.
We have the following extra murals at Sandkasteel: Play Ball, Ballet, Rugga Kids and Computer classes.